
My friend will be leaving me soon.

Listening to: Elvis Costello – My Aim is True (great album!); Ellie Goulding – Bright Lights (poppy and electronicish)

Very often, things come in and out of our lives. Sometimes, we don’t really have the chance to tell them how we feel, or how much we care about them. Sometimes, they don’t really understand what you tell them, or just don’t listen.

I have been living with a lovely companion for roughly 16 months now. This is over half of my time in Morocco total, to give you perspective. I helped to raise my companion from her young age of ten weeks, up until now. She is getting to be full grown now, and as my Peace Corps service comes to a close, I have been trying to find her a new home.

While I still have 4.5 months of service left in Morocco, I will be spending nearly a month of vacation in India here in a few weeks. I am thoroughly excited for India for many reasons: seeing a new part of the world; another developing nation; one of the worlds biggest nations; and warmth away from winter. So this vacation means I cannot leave my companion all alone in a cold house (it is winter here, with NO stoves, and a house that hovers around 45-50), and expect people to come over. Also, I am trying to plan for the next 4.5 months.

So I have been courting fellow volunteers, hoping they might take my companion before I leave for India. I want to make the transition for my companion smooth, so she can readjust. After courting many people, and spreading the message, I finally found a person to take her. It is a bittersweet sort of feeling.

My companion of course, if you couldn’t figure it out, or just didn’t know, is a cat. Penelope is her name, and she is lovely. Maybe one of the nicest, softest, prettiest cats I have known. But then again, I am biased (but others who meet her would agree.) Initially, I planned to take her home to the US, because I have grown very attached. But realistic thought got the best of me (as it does usually), and not knowing what I will be doing, or where, it is best to leave her here in good hands.

As I said, it is a bittersweet moment. This will be my final week with her, and having given up a cat before, it isn’t fun. I know I will miss coming home to find her neediness, her meows, and her playing. On the other hand, I will have freedoms to not worry about taking care of another being, especially as I have enough trouble taking care of myself in the winter (did I mention I am going to India to get away! ha!)

For most of this last week, she will be in recovery. I will be taking her to get spayed Wednesday, and likely she will be recovering for a few days. Next Monday, the volunteer from the other side of the mountain will come and pick her up, taking her to her new home. I am excited for her, especially as she is a needy cat, and being slightly allergic to cats, I can’t have them sleeping near me, as I am sure my cat would love to do.

Part of me feels absolutely silly for writing this blog post… so why did I write this blog post???

Well, to come full circle, this blog is about Peace Corps life. Some volunteers have dogs and cats… and take great care of them (others sadly, get them, only to realize that can’t take care or dedicate the time to them.) This is another issue us volunteers have to face… and let’s face it, having a companion (of any sorts) is another way to cope within our existence abroad (even just back home!), and some of the rough times we face. I don’t tell stories to my cat or just ramble on… I’m not like that (but some people do I imagine.) We all have needs as volunteers, and sometimes those needs can only be met with the help of companionship (by whatever means.) For me, my cat (it kind of seems sappy or pains me to admit) has been a fantastic companion, and I know that she will be going to a good home, and being loved.

PS. On a slightly related note… I have been contemplating nixing/minimizing my use of skype and deactivating my facebook account. There are a few reasons behind this, and if you really want to know, ask me email style. You people have my email address, so send me an email. I would love to set up a skype time with you and chat and catch up, and certainly it does not mean I will not use skype at all (I enjoy talking to a few people on skype!) I will ALWAYS reply to an email (sometimes I am tardy a bit, which I apologize for) and I will update this blog as per usual. Any snail mail is appreciated too. I can give you the address. I hope dearly to write a few letters before I leave here. Winter is a good time for that.

Much Love.

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